Completed two projects this month.
Achaemenid Persian Infantry. One unit of Immortals, seven units of Sparabara infantry, three units of other infantry. Immortals by Baccus. Sparabara are a mix of Baccus and Rapier. Others are all Rapier.
Republican Roman Consular Army. Two Roman Legions and Two Allied Legions. All figures by Rapier.
A lot of (pretty good!) work done!
But, if I may, the last time we saw the army of 18th C. Clove-Hamhock, it was still in dire need of new uniforms and lacking in cavalry?
Best wishes,
PS since your blog covers various periods and both 'historical' and 'imaginary' countries, may I suggest you 'label' your post for easier browsing your archive which, hopefully; will soon become a rich library?
good suggestion. will do
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