Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Adapting Renegade Legion Vehicles to Future War Commander

The vehicles in Renegade Legion carry almost every weapon type the designers included in the game.  As such they violate the standard rules of vehicle design for Future War Commander.   However, they end up being very expensive as far as point costs.   The following army lists can also be downloaded on the Specialist Military Publishing website at http://www.blitzkrieg-commander.com/  in the downloads section

Terran Overlord Government
Unit ARM Move Attack Assault Hits Save Cost Min/Max Notes
Lupus IFV ARM 35G 1/40 3 3 6 280 -/- S!, Note 1
Aeneas ARM 35G 2/120 3 3 6 386 -/- S1, Note 2
Aeneas Recce 35G 2/120 3 3 6 360 -/- S1, Note 3
Horatius ARM 30G 4/100R 5 4 5 560 -/- S1, Note 4
Romulus IFV ARM 30G 4/120 5 4 4 500 -/- S1, Note 5
Remus ARM 30G 1/120 5 4 4 340 -/- S1, Note 6
Trajan ARM 20G 5/100R 5 5 3 695 -/- S1, Note 7
Infantry INF 15J 3/30 4 4 5 115 -/- Note 8
Mortar INF 15J 4/120 2 4 6 70 -/-
Smart Missile - 4/40# 30 Note 9
Thor ART 15 225 Note 10
Ortillery ART 10 150
Artillery ART 20G - - 4 4 110 -/-
CO 8 COM 60F 4/30 6 4 90
HQ  7 COM 40F 3/30 6 4 30
FAO 6 COM 30F 6 4 15
FAC 6 COM 30F 6 4 15

Rigid Tactical Doctirne, Contemporary Technology

Note 1 Lupus light IFV  Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, Stabilized, Shields 

6/60# smart missile, carrying capacity of 1

Note 2 Aeneas Light Grav Tank Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, Stabilized, 

Shields, 4/40# smart missile. 

At range of 60 or less add both attack values.  Must fire at only one target.
Note 3 Recon Version same equipment as regular version

Note 4 Horatius Medium Grav Tank, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, 

Stabilized, Shields 6/60# smart missile, Anti-personnel weapons, 

anti-aircraft weapon 3/40.  Hull cannon has restricted fire arc of 90 degrees

May fire turret laser at separate target or add to hull cannon at same target
Note 5 Romulus IFV Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, Stabilized, Shields, 

6/60# smart missile, Anti-personnel weapons, anti-aircraft weapon 3/40

carrying capacity of 2

Note 6 Remus Engineering Vehicle

Note 7 Trajan Heavy Grav Tank Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, 

Stabilized, Shields, 6/60# smart missile, anti-aircraft weapon 3/40

Anti-personnel weapons.  Hull cannon has restricted fire arc of 90 degrees

May fire turret laser at separate target or add to hull cannon at same target
Note 8 Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators

Note 9 Infantry upgrade

Note 10 Thor, orbital kinetic kill artillery

Renegade Legion
Unit ARM Move Attack Assault Hits Save Cost Min/Max Notes
Viper IFV ARM 35G 2/40 3 3 6 245 -/- S1, Note 1
Wolverine ARM 35G 4/60 3 3 6 315 -/- S1, Note 2
Wolverine Recce 35G 4/60 3 3 6 305 -/- S1, Note 3
Liberator ARM 30G 4/100 4 3 5 520 -/- S1, Note 4
Spartius IFV ARM 30G 4/120 3 4 5 590 -/- S1, Note 5
Deliverer ARM 20G 5/100R 4 5 3 655 -/- S1, Note 6
Infantry INF 15J 3/30 4 4 5 115 -/- Note 7
Mortar INF 15J 4/120 2 4 6 70 -/-
Artillery ART 20G - - 4 4 110 -/-
Smart Missile - 4/40# 30 Note 8
Thor 15 225 Note 9
Ortillery 10 150

CO 9 COM 60F 4/30 6 4 120
HQ 8 COM 40F 3/30 6 4 60
FAO 7 COM 30F 6 4 30
FAC 7 COM 30F 6 4 30

Normal Tactical Doctrine, Contemporary Technology

Note 1 Viper Light IFV, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, Stabilized, Shields, 

4/40# smart missile, carrying capacity of 1

Note 2 Wolverine Light Grav Tank, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, 

Stabilized, Shields, 4/40# smart missile, Anti-personnel weapons
Note 3 Recon version of Wolverine, same equipment as regular version

Note 4 Liberator Medium Grav Tank, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, 

Stabilized, Shields, 6/60# smart missile, anti-aircraft weapon 3/40

At range 100 or less combine both attack values.  May only fire at one target.
Note 5 Spartius Medium IFV, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, Stabilized, 

Shields, 6/60# smart missile, anti-aircraft weapon 3/40, carrying capacity of 2
Note 6 Deliverer Heavy Grav Tank, Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators, 

Stabilized, Shields, 6/60# smart missile, anti-aircraft weapon 3/40

 Hull cannon has restriced fire arc of 90 degrees

May fire turret laser at separate target or add to hull cannon at same target
Note 7 Auto-link Weapons, Target Designators

Note 8 infantry upgrade

Note 9 Thor, orbital kinetic kill artillery

Converting Renegade Legion statistics to Future War Commander statistics
Multiply ranges by 6 and round up to fit FWC range bands. For example: weapons with a range of 15 would convert to 90 for FWC. Since the range are 80 and 100, 90 rounds up to 100.
Attack values are found by dividing armor damage by 6.
Hits were based on the shield value divided by 20 and rounding fractions up
Save was based on armor 100=3, 90=4, 80=5, 60=6

The designers of Renegade Legion seemed to like tanks.  They tended to  follow the early World War 2 theory and tank heavy organization instead of the modern concept of a main battle tank and post WW2 balanced organizations.  In addition to the heavy, medium, and light tanks found in the original rules there is a book with dozens of additional tank designs for Renegade Legion.  The smart missiles are mounted on the vehicle hulls instead of being fired from the main gun as the Russian tanks do or from a turret mount as found on western vehicles.

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